Sunday, September 27, 2009


The genius Melissa Sakal amany of years ago did a friend project where she had 70 friends get 70 things (all the same or different) and then she was going to put them all together in envelopes, and make a pretty neat goody bag for the 70 participants. I never did the project, and don't know if it even came to fruition, but it stimulated the thought of writing 70 poems 70 words long. I didn't get to 70 (I hope one day I will), but I'll post a few of them from time to time, generally I don't like poetry, and very specifically I don't like any poetry I've written, but I think some of them are funny. sorry for the language mom.

i am convinced you are mother nature. 1/70

the sky is a girl holding onto her virginity.
i want her to spill out her eyes in a diary confessional.
if i listened to ryan adams everytime it rained,
i would unexist.
i want to marry a mother named nature
and nurture her so that global warming won't come,
so there will be no cold, no hot, just nothing, like how i feel.
always. i have wasted my life.

Stop fucking women and love me. 17/70

I want to dehydrate myself
so badly so when if you ask if I have been dry
I can say sahara, but the subtext is soaked in vodka.
When I said I wanted to be accountability partners I meant I want to account for every sexual thing you have done or said and want the ability to fantasize about them forever, I think you meant we would pray and shit.


The Sequel: Race to Which Mountain?

what is the last temptation of price?

I don't quite know what this will be. Likely an amalgam of writings, film and art I've done or been a part of, with healthy doses of puns, malapropisms and things that make me laugh. Also a hard nod towards Jesus and Rock and Roll Music (but NOT Rock and Roll Music about Jesus), two things I probably won't talk about directly that often, but nonetheless have great influence.

A bunch of years ago I wrote a self-deprecating semi-autobiographical novel about all the bad things people did to me, without really admitting I did anything rotten. You'll never see it, but someone asked me the title of it recently, and after telling them, it rattled around my brain for a bit as something I'd like to write about in addition to the aforementioned in this (long overdue) blog. Try not to laugh at the title:


I'm not as angry now, so it will probably be a bit less angry slash kinder, and I'll probably be the first to admit my mistakes. We'll see, it's always changing. here's a painting I did circa the time I wrote the novel. It's not very good, 12x12in. on loose canvas, but I just wanted to have some sort of image on my first post.

Well, first posts aren't unlike other firsts, like love making and drunk evenings, generally a mistake you wish you could forget, and can only be pushed out of your mind by better posts/experiences, so I'll be brief. This blog will be all the shit in the kitchen junk drawer you don’t know quite what to do with, but always seem to open it when you need some sort of something.

Did all of that sound arrogant? Be patient, I'm just getting my blog legs. blegs.